The Kadwai English School

TKES - All faculty members

Name: Mr. Samayeen Samir Khot
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. (Agriculture)
Subjects Taught: Social Science
Teacher Since: 2021
At TKES Since: June – 2021

For me, teaching is…

I love teaching and I also love to interact with students, especially teenagers. To know their thought process. I cannot give them everything but I can give them something which will help them and it will be very important and useful for their future. I enjoy providing them with mew methods of remembering certain grammatical / vocabulary rules and patterns which they find useful.

My experience at TKES…

My experience at TKES is very amazing. All the management, higher authorities, H.M and all other staff members are very co-operative and all work for the single motive that is development of the organization.

Name: Sajida A.Gafoor Bagadadi
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: S.S.C / M.T
Subjects Taught: Sr.KG English/ Maths/ G.K/ Art and I to IV Art
Teacher Since: 01/07/2014
At TKES Since: 01/07/2014

For me, teaching is…

My passion for teaching is I would like to see my students with well manner and I want my students have faith in themselves that in any challenge of life they can do it. I want my students have self-confidence and highly respected personality in society.

My experience at TKES…

I am very grateful and satisfied till the date with my experience in your institution. I enjoyed every day of my teaching with students. I have been always supported in my work and encouraged me for my better growth. I am very thankful to you for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to be a part of T.K.E.S. It is a pleasant journey of 8 years with your institution.

Name: Sadiya Munaf Modak
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Physics), B.Ed.
Subjects Taught: Science and Maths
Teacher Since: June -2018
At TKES Since: June-2021
At KJC Since: July 2022

For me, teaching is…

Teaching has always been my passion as it reveals my inner desire to help others, to share my knowledge with the students which surely will help them in their future and also to look in the minds of students. Teaching helps me to learn new things, updating and refreshing my information and teaching skills regularly. I love teaching because every day we make a difference in someone’s life which goes far beyond knowledge.

My experience at TKES…

My experience at TKES is very incredible. TKES taught me a lot about what it means to be a teacher and a lot about myself, as a future educator. All the Management, higher authorities and H.M always try to give something new and update the knowledge of their staff members. They all are very supportive and helpful. I am very grateful to be a part of TKES.

Name: Mrs.Mohite Kajal Pranjal
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: Master of Commerce
Subjects Taught: English, Maths, GK, Marathi
Teacher Since: June -2019
At TKES Since: June 2019

For me, teaching is…

I believe that I could motivate my students for their better life and good growth. I want them to survive a respected life in society.

My experience at TKES…

My journey with your institution is amazing. I have always been supported and helped by my staff members. I am blessed that I got a chance to be a part of TKES.

Name: Mr. Vishal Tanaji Dhanawade
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: A.T.D (Art Teacher Diploma)
Subjects Taught: Art
Teacher Since: September – 2021
At TKES Since: September – 2021

For me, teaching is…

Art has been my passion since childhood. It was my dream to be an artist and transfer this artistic knowledge to the students who are the future of our nation. Not only my passion for art but to learn something new pulled me in the profession also teaching brings satisfaction of achieving something.

My experience at TKES…

The journey of being a teacher in TKES & MUHSK is very amazing. The environment here is very supportive and helpful. The management and all the higher authorities are very co-operative.

Name: Mrs. Samrin Aziz Mullaji
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: BA (History, Hindi)
Subjects Taught: Hindi
Teacher Since: July 2020
At TKES Since: July 2020

For me, teaching is…

I genuinely love my profession as a teacher and I am truly passionate about it. Teaching is not just a job but a commitment to make the world a better place. I love to share my information regarding the subject that will help them to give structure and understanding regarding the subject. I feel like the ability to share knowledge is a bit like a superpower.

My experience at TKES…

The overall experience in TKES is awesome. I learnt a lot of things from here. Staff and all the management is very supportive. The main motive of this organization is the development of students but also they work on the development of teachers.

Name: Miss. Nazneen Shauqat Patel
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: BSc IT
Subjects Taught: English, Maths, E.V.S
Teacher Since: 2022
At TKES Since: 2022

For me, teaching is…

I believe as a teacher my duty is to help my students realise their potential & to do better than before for this indeed to be a motivator & guide a good teacher continue to the students. They keep their passion for teaching alive by remaining passionate learners. They learn from their passion their research & bring that research to the classroom

My experience at TKES…

Amazing feeling working with the management, Head master & staff. They are very co-operative, visionary, enthusiastic, lot to learn from them their presence the future of institutions is very bright.

Name: Mrs. Aqsa Mubassir Juwale
Designation: Assistant Lecturer
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. IT
Subjects Taught: English, EVS, Robotics
Teacher Since: June-2022
At TKES Since: June-2022

For me, teaching is…

As a teacher, we inspire, support, mentor and get the chance to discover and share some of the best parts of ourselves as human beings. I want my Each and every child of my class should be self-dependent. And in future he or she will survive as an ideal personality in society.

My experience at TKES…

I am blessed that I got a chance to be a part of T.K.E.S I am satisfied with encouragement and support by the management, headmaster and staff.

Name: Mrs. Tanzila Amjad Walele
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: HSC
Subjects Taught: Maths, English, E.V.S
Teacher Since: 2001
At TKES Since: June 2022

For me, teaching is…

Teaching is just not my work, I love teaching it is what I always wanted to do. I love to give knowledge what I have to young kids. I simply love the idea of spreading knowledge. I am happy and proud that I choose teaching as my profession because when I look at children I assume that one of them will be doctor, teacher, engineer. I mean that can be anything and I will always be part of their education.

My experience at TKES…

I am loving here in TKES. I feeling as I am getting opportunity to teach at ground level (I mean in rural area) I am loving the experience.

Name: Amruta Eknath Takale
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: HSC D.Ed. & B.A B.Ed.
Subjects Taught: Marathi
Teacher Since: 2012
At TKES Since: January 2022

For me, teaching is…

Teaching is not a profession to be taken lightly. Teaching required constant effort and change. I chose to teach because it has been something I have always cared about. I will always strive to help each and every individual that I come in contact with to realise just have much potential they have.

My experience at TKES…

In this institution everyone works together for the better future of the students and the society. Whole management is very supportive they give us a chance to grow. I feel proud to be a part of this institution.

Name: Miss. Munazza Munaf Mukadam
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications:
Subjects Taught: Computer, Marathi
Teacher Since: July 20219
At TKES Since: 2019

For me, teaching is…

Teaching is the best job. I enjoy every bit of my job. It has ups and downs but on the whole its fulfilling when you help youngsters to leave school with decent grades and known they have a future.

My experience at TKES…

I enjoyed each and every day of the job. Staff is very helpful and co-operative. All the staff and management works as a family for the bright future of the students. I have learned many new innovative ideas here which will be very helpful for me.

Name: Miss. Kareena Kamal Wagle
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: BSc.IT (Pursuing M.Sc.IT)
Subjects Taught: Urdu
Teacher Since: August 2019
At TKES Since: September 2019

For me, teaching is…

Honestly teaching was never my concern but, Since I joined here (ESK) I came to realize that there are a lot of things that we can do & teaching has turned out as a best thing happened to me. We can’t teach students without passion as we have to do everything with interest & teaching is something that needs our whole interest, passion, time & much more.

My experience at TKES…

My experience in TKES is good. As I learned so many things here like to work on time with enthusiasm with interest with perfection, learned to teach online, handling students, also learned robotics, doing presentation and much more.

Name: Miss. Nafiya Nisar Qazi
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: BSc IT
Subjects Taught: Maths, Computer
Teacher Since: July 2022
At TKES Since: July 2022

For me, teaching is…

Teacher is a true vocation. Many people work to live but rewarding nature means a knowledge giver teachers and I wish to be the part of those rewarders. Teaching enables me to constantly research new findings and technologies to introduce to my students. I feel passionate to learn and teach new skills and technologies to the students.

My experience at TKES…

TKES is a very effective and hardworking organization. I consider myself lucky that I am a small part of this organization. This organization thinks about the present as well as the future of the student as well as teacher. It pays close attention to how the students will be successful in all walks of life. It is the only organization that promotes the further education of the staff.

Name: Avinash Ashok Jadhav
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: B. Com
Subjects Taught: Physical Education
Teacher Since: June 2019
At TKES Since: June 2019

For me, teaching is…

As PE Teacher, I can make a positive impact on the lives of my students each day. Physical Education is an important class for students, because it teaches them the value of staying active.

My experience at TKES…

TKES is a platform where we learn many new things. They are supportive and co-operative, they come with new ideas and opportunities and leadership. Here, they took the TKES members together to work for the better future of the coming generation, and betterment of our students.

Name: Rakesh Rajendra Nandleshkar
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: BA D. TEd
Subjects Taught: Marathi, Maths
Teacher Since: June 2016
At TKES Since: June 2022

For me, teaching is…

Nothing encourages me to continue to learn more about a topic than when I am a teacher. Students queries makes me to learn more and this makes me passionate toward teaching.

My experience at TKES…

I always feel a pleasure to work with TKES. It gives me an opportunity to develop my teaching skills my professional personality and gain and share knowledge among my colleagues and students.

Name: Sharvari Subhash Gopal
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: MSc Maths
Subjects Taught: English
Teacher Since: June 2022
At TKES Since: November 2022

For me, teaching is…

As a teacher I can positively influence a child’s way of Thinking or doing. I can help students build self-esteem and believe in themselves and their ability to learn. Education is a field where you can help young people directly in a personal way potentially changing their lives for the better.

My experience at TKES…

…is very good. I learnt so many new things after joining here.