Kalsekar Junior College of Science

KJC - All faculty members

Name: Ms.Kareena Kamal Wagle
Designation: Assistant Lecturer
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc.IT (Pursuing M.Sc.IT)
Subjects Taught: English and IT
Teacher Since: 2019
At KJC Since: 2019

For me, teaching is…

Honestly teaching was never my concern but since I joined here (KJC) I came to realize that there are a lot of things that we can do and then teaching has turned out as the best thing happened to me. We can’t teach students without passion, as we have to do everything with interest and teaching is something that needs our whole interest, passion, time and much more something we’re doing for someone who will learn from us needs proper knowledge , enthusiasm, spirit so here I’m doing it with my whole heart.

My experience at KJC…

good as I learned so many things here like to work on time with enthusiasm, with interest and to work with perfection. Apart from teaching I also learned other things too like to have patience in every situation, control anger, control on things that I can’t change etc.

Name: Ms. Sumaiya Nisar Malgundkar
Designation: Assistant Lecturer
Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. (Physics)
Subjects Taught: Physics
Teacher Since: 2022
At MUHSK Since: 2022

Teaching helps me…

as I like to learn new things, and to discover something new makes me passionate about teaching, because to teach means to learn twice over. I like to help students in every aspects and that gives me satisfaction.

My experience at KJC…

quite good. All the teaching and non-teaching staff is so co-operative. As this is my first experience of teaching I am getting to learn new things. I am very much thankful to the Society for giving me an opportunity to work here.

Name: Mrs. Neha Naresh Okate
Designation: Assistant lecturer
Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. B.Ed.
Subjects Taught: Chemistry
Teacher Since: 2017
At KJC Since: 2022

Teaching enables me…

as I like to learn new things. I like to help students in every aspects and show them the connection between what they are learning and their lives.

My experience at KJC…

good. Teaching and non-teaching staff is so co-operative.

Name: Ms. Sankita Suresh Gavade
Designation: Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualifications: M.Sc.
Subjects Taught: Biology
Teacher Since: 2022
At KJC Since: 2022

For me, teaching is…

A fulfillment of a dream. I am extremely grateful to my Almighty that He has given me a chance to work as a teacher. Teaching is really a great profession. I feel proud to be a teacher.

My experience at KJC…

I am lucky to work at KJC. The environment of school is very fascinating. This is the best institution I have ever seen before. I am impressed by the quality of education, the facilities and infrastructure.